Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Look what the bees made.
Look at what the honey bees made pretty cool. I guess we are going to keep them, a bee keeper said we must be special to have them, or its the house they enjoy. Hubby is very allergic to bees he has been to the ER 3 times in 2 months they know him by name when he walks through the doors LoL. Luckly it was the honey bee that stung him last time he didn't have a real severe reaction as he does with the yellow jackets, and we also have a yellow jacket nest in our breezeway we have been fighting last 3 months there in the wall must be thousands of them they just won't give up! I'm glad its getting cold out slows them down .
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The new GRANDBABY! Number 8
Daniel Scott
9 pounds 12 oz Born last wed. 1:15 am
Lives in Texas so i guess we will not be able to see him soon :(
Baked Beans
1 lb. ground round
1 64 oz can of campbells pork and beans
or 3 small cans adding up to 64oz.
14 oz. heinz ketchup
3/4 C. brown sugar
1/4 C. onion flakes added to 1/4 C. water to soak
Brown ground round and drain fat, mix in the campbells pork and beans, the whole bottle of the heinz ketchup, the 3/4 C. brown sugar, and the 1/4 C. onion flakes that were soaking in the 1/4C. water.
Put in a 9x13 baking pan and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hr. Do not cover.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I won first place on the snowman doll and third place on the pumpkin doll :) I bought the pattern from sweetmeadows farm and can you believe i lost the pattern! I have looked every where for it, I hope thats not a sign that i'm losing it! I had to make up my own apron for the pumpkin doll beacause i lost that pattern, :( i did pretty good! I guess i will have to buy another pattern, i want to make the pilgrims and raggedy dolls, it is a cute pattern! I can't wait to bring them home Sunday. I'm going back thursday eve to check on my dolls and get some more pictures of the ones i liked in the other catagories.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Recipe: A different way for Stuffed cabbage
1 cabbage about medium size shredded
2 pounds ground meat
1/2 C. raw rice
1 C. chopped onion
1 egg
1/2 C. Tomato juice
salt/pepper/garlic powder/caroway seed/dill
(eyeball it to your taste)
Parboil your shredded cabbage in boiling water for about 5 min., then drain water off.
Mix the next 6 ingredients together.
Season the gabbage with the garlic, dill ect.. after it is done being parboiled and drained.
9x13 pan
put half the gabbage on bottom of pan, then put all the meat on top, then put the rest of the gabbage on top of the meat in the pan.
You can also add sliced kielboski or ham in the layers also, i always add the kielboski to mine.
Next is the JUICE MIX: 1 can tomato soup undiluted, 20 oz. tomato juice, 4 oz water mix together and pour over the cabbage in the pan. Cover with tin foil bake in a 350 degree oven for 2-3 hrs . Delicious hope you enjoy!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Long time away! And a Awsome craft show!

Wow it has been a long time since i posted, i have been busy, when i do get on line i read everyones blogs but mine LOL. And there blogs lead you to another blog and so on. Update on my rag quilt i did get it finished but i forgot to take a pic before i gave it away. I gave it to my new grandson who lives in VA Beach, we were there in May. Today my husband and i went to an awsome craft show called the http://www.oakridgefestival.com/ in Attica Ohio, it was a 10! The only thing is you were not allowed to take pictures in the woods where the crafts were :( I guess so nobody could copy there idea's which is understandable. But i did get pics on the outside. I will be going back in October for the next one. Here is some pics above, of some things outside of the woods.
Here is a few links to some more craft shows that will be in September.... http://www.villagepeddlerfestival.com, Christmas in October,
Monday, March 23, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009

our white german shepard, she did her little wiggle the finger thing and
said ahhh sid come here sid, sid come here it was cute !

We're back :( from Michigan. We wanted to turn left instead of right so bad, I told my hubby... do it lets go, but as bad as we hated to we came back to OHIO. My hubby calls Michigan a real state and ohio an enema no offense to anyone who's a buckeye i was born and raised a buckeye. My hubby lived in michigan for about 20 yrs til the base closed. It was nice being in the low lander turf for a couple of hours tho. Probably be going up there in may and labor day weekend for sure! You must go labor day wk end for sure in Harrisville its the harmony craft show it's great! I just realized date on my camera is wrong i gotta fix that LOL
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Wow it's been a month since i typed anything on here i better catch up LOL! And WOW i have 2 followers ahhh thanks ladies, thank you for the nice comments! I have been so busy, Last night we got to watch the newest grandbaby it was great! Hard to belive he's 1 month already and growing fast! And for being 1 month he knew he was not home and mom and dad was not around LOL, he did not want to sleep he would cat nap then eyes would open then close open then close, he's so CUTE! We have 2 more grandbabies on the way very soon 1 next wk. and another in about 2 wks both boys! Tomorrow we are going to Michigan for a couple of hours we are taking my son and my grandaughter with us i was thinking to tell them to pack some clothes just in case we end up going up towards the UP... beautiful up there... second home sweet home... I have been working on my second rag quilt for one of the grandbabes i have 1 more row to sew on and MY DARN SEWING MACHINE IS GOING TO GO THROUGH THE WINDOW LOL i know it's just human error best to break from it for about a wk LOL when i ever get it done i will put pic on here.. i always wanted to quilt it's on my bucket list so i thought rag quilts would be simple to start out with and now i am HOOKED i dont know if i will ever try the other ways LOL i'm having fun with this type. JUST AS LONG AS ME AND THE SEWING MACHINE GET ALONG LOL! Well it's bed time , and i need to finish my spring decorating on here! NIGHT ALL!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
New grandbaby is here!

The newest grandbaby is here, I'm so excited! He was born yesterday February 10, 2009 he weighed 7 pounds 4 oz. 20in. long. He is so cute little button nose perfect round face all the way to his toes ! His name is Cayden Mathew so precious. My daughter went in at 6am they induced her about 7am and 5:53 pm he was here. I was with her in the room all the way it was so great i had tears in my eyes when he finally popped out. It was a little scary tho his heart rate kept dropping, they would put my daughter on o2 to see if it helped to bring it up but it didnt help much. She was in the pushing stage for almost 2 hrs she finally got him out, they didnt have to use any forceps or suction but when he came out the cord was around his neck and he was blue! The Dr hurried up removed cord and gave him to the nurses ASAP. I was uhoh finally a cry! Can you believe the cord had knots in it the nurses couldn't believe it, maybe that is why his heart rate kept dropping and took so long to get through, But thank god he's ok. I was supposed to go in to work yesterday late then come back after work thinking he wouldn't be here til late, being my daughters first baby, i had my scrubs on , i work for a Dr. and we had alot of pts yesterday it was my late night til 7 pm and im the only one who works for him. But my daughter begged me not to leave so what could i do I CALLED OFF! So i will see tomorrow if i still have a job LOL but it was very much worth it and i would do it all over again!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Mason Jar Safe

I made my first mason jar safe. I made 4 of them they were so easy and fast to make.Already gave one to my daughter n law, she stopped by last night as i was finishing up. She fell in love with them, my intentions were to make all of my kids one anyways.So everyone at this house and the rest of my family at where they live start using up that TP so i can get more made!"LOL" I want to thank The Pickled Pepper Patch for the instructions i love her web site! she comes up with some of the best ideas! Thank you again and keep them coming!
The Northwoods flooded!

Finally no snow or cold temps. it feels like spring, temps. in the 40-50's range. It is great! But the only downfall with the warm temps and all the snow the creek can't handle all the melting, so our northwoods is flooded.But it's great to have the warmer weather, it's probably the calm before another hit of snow comes. Spring must be coming early tho, my 2 white german sheperds are loosing there winter coat big time! So i hope it's a sign!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009

If you have or have not heard of Houseparty i recomend that you really check it out! This is a pic of what i got in the mail for the superbowl party i am holding February1 2009 this makes my second party so check it out you never know when you will be picked and its alot of fun, great stuff that you get to share with family and friends!
Friday, January 23, 2009
MaMa Squirrel

I got the name mama squirrel from my husband because i make sure the squirrels are fed during this rough cold winter, there are about 4 of them that hangout in the front of the house i also make sure the chipmunks get food as well but i havn't seen them around. Do chipmunks hybernate? i dont think they do or do they LOL. We feed the birds to , we went to walmart today to buy some deer feed we feed them as well, but walmart was out of it so we will have to go somewhere else. We have another cold front coming in this weekend with some more snow "bummer" these last 2 days have felt like spring temps in the 30's no higher then 45, pretty bad when that feels warm! So everybody please help the wildlife when its cold and snowy they need food to, and bring in those dogs and cats or whatever critter you can bring in when its cold outside!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Windmill from South Dakota oil rig 1930's
Sunday, January 4, 2009
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