The newest grandbaby is here, I'm so excited! He was born yesterday February 10, 2009 he weighed 7 pounds 4 oz. 20in. long. He is so cute little button nose perfect round face all the way to his toes ! His name is Cayden Mathew so precious. My daughter went in at 6am they induced her about 7am and 5:53 pm he was here. I was with her in the room all the way it was so great i had tears in my eyes when he finally popped out. It was a little scary tho his heart rate kept dropping, they would put my daughter on o2 to see if it helped to bring it up but it didnt help much. She was in the pushing stage for almost 2 hrs she finally got him out, they didnt have to use any forceps or suction but when he came out the cord was around his neck and he was blue! The Dr hurried up removed cord and gave him to the nurses ASAP. I was uhoh finally a cry! Can you believe the cord had knots in it the nurses couldn't believe it, maybe that is why his heart rate kept dropping and took so long to get through, But thank god he's ok. I was supposed to go in to work yesterday late then come back after work thinking he wouldn't be here til late, being my daughters first baby, i had my scrubs on , i work for a Dr. and we had alot of pts yesterday it was my late night til 7 pm and im the only one who works for him. But my daughter begged me not to leave so what could i do I CALLED OFF! So i will see tomorrow if i still have a job LOL but it was very much worth it and i would do it all over again!
Congratulations on the new grandchild...I know how exciting it is....My grandson just had a new baby boy on the 15th....So love those newborns..
Congratulations to all! That is a totally adorable grandbaby...truly darling! It sounds like you did a great job of helping out and I am so glad the little one is here for all of you!